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Overnight Camping/Pitch & Putt w...

Bruce Richards

Mr. Richards will be taking 8 (6-8 grade) boys camping at his house and going to Pitch and Putt on Saturday Morning, This will be held on Friday May 3rd right after early dismissal and finishing Saturday mid day after Pitch and Putt.

Mr. Richards will be taking 8 (6-8 grade) boys camping at his house and going to Pitch and Putt on Saturday Morning, This will be held on Friday May 3rd right after early dismissal and finishing Saturday mid day after Pitch and Putt.

Mr. Richards will be taking 8 (6-8 grade) boys camping at his house and going to Pitch and Putt on Saturday Morning, This will be held on Friday May 3rd right after early dismissal and finishing Saturday mid day after Pitch and Putt.